AMMA Multidisciplinary Analysis of the African Monsoon

Since the beginning of time, climatological phenomena have been analyzed to understand their nature, since their degree of intensity directly affects all living beings on the surface of our planet.

There are regions where severe climatic changes occur that include the progressive and constant increase in rainfall, as well as powerful electrical storms; other sites, on the other hand, experience long periods of drought, with all the serious problems that this entails.

That is why at the international level a collaboration between countries has been carried out to achieve the study and Multidisciplinary Analysis of the African Monsoon, in order to decipher its variability and behavior.

What is the monsoon?

The monsoon is the movement of an air mass that moves according to the differences in atmospheric pressure; This wind is seasonal and has its origin due to the transit of the equatorial belt.

In the summer season, the winds blow from south to north, loaded with rainfall. In the winter period they transform into winds with dry and cold characteristics.

Why do monsoons form?

The monsoons are generated because when summer arrives, the continent begins to warm up and the air that is in contact with these lands also heats up and begins its ascent.

The air that is over the Indian Ocean begins to move becoming a humid and unstable wind, which brings with it clouds loaded with intense rains and storms that cause natural disasters with large human and material losses, in addition they bring long-term consequences such as disease, hunger and destruction.

What is the Multidisciplinary Analysis of the African Monsoon?

The Multidisciplinary Analysis of the African Monsoon is an international project that studies all the aspects related to the West African Monsoon, in order that we are able to make predictions about its effects on nations, since they usually cause a climate with intense characteristics that they can become a problem in various places on the planet.

This initiative arises from the need to prevent the impacts produced by the African monsoon winds, especially in the warm nations of West Africa, in social, agricultural, hydrological and health aspects.

What is this study about?

The nations actively participating in this project use operational networks that allow them to reach places of interest to organize and establish temporary and permanent observation posts, where detailed information is collected for climate modeling.

With these data it is possible to make numerical forecasts of the climate around the world, which helps in its prediction from anywhere on the planet.

The environmental impact of climate change in the processes of floods and droughts is also evaluated, paying special attention to recurring cases and those that extend over many years, which cause enormous economic losses in addition to the social effects that arise from them. .

Global warming is a phenomenon that will last for many years yet, causing all kinds of natural disasters, it is for this reason that a joint work such as the one carried out for the Multidisciplinary Analysis of the African Monsoon contributes to the design of strategies to determine the variability of atmospheric phenomena, as well as their duration and intensity, which helps nations to orient their objectives and social and productive policies to face the onslaught of nature.

Many of the diseases that occur as a result of the rains, floods and shortages of drinking water, are aggravated in the periods of activity of the Monsoon season, relevant data are also obtained for possible outbreaks of diseases such as malaria, amoebiasis and dengue.

It is evident then the importance that this type of climatological studies have for the well-being of the environment and the living beings that we inhabit in close relationship with it.

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